
Congratulations students!

Last year was a massive year for students achieving acclaim in exciting roles and so I think its time to get some studio pre show dinners happening.


Leanne - Nancy in Oliver

Greg - Bishop in Les miserable  - Tickets and dates :

Greg - Principal in I love you now Change

Christina - Choreographer in Oliver

Rosemary - Recital progressing - Elgar Sea Songs are really sounding quite something.

Thuy - CD progressing can't wait to hear it

Sarah - accepted into a Music Theatre Summer school in Sydney - Congratulations !!

(For information about summer schools please email me. )


Performance Workshops for 2013

By great demand workshops are back this year. Please register an expression of interest if you would like to attend a workshop in 2013. They will be held on Sunday afternoons.

What performers thought....

"Susan's workshops are absolutely fantastic. I learnt so much about how to perform truthfully; how to bring characters to life and connect with an audience. All the students in the masterclasses came from varied backgrounds and had different levels of training but the improvement in each of our peformances was astounding. I know that I certainly left the classes having learned skills that I can and will use everytime I step onto a stage. And it was so much fun!"
- Jessica Kinsella (Now studying Post Graduate study at the Melbourne Opera School)

Handel's Messiah!/pages/Susan-Ellis/293428807872?v=wall

Saturday, February 6, 2010 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Yarralumla Church Canberra
Featuring the voices of (in alphabetical order):

Amelia Hewitt, Catherine Ryan, Chris Allen, Christina Philipp, Craig Munns, Evelyn Graham, Grace Fursdon, Gunter Brandstetter, Jessica Kinsella, Katya Taylor, Kenneth Goodge, Luciana Harrison, Navin Edwin, Neil Macdonald, Paul Earnshaw, Rob Grice, Rosemary Shepherd, Thuy Pham, Veronica Thwaites-Brown


1. Introduction (Excerpt from Hallelujah Chorus) – All Singers


2. Comfort Ye (Accompagnato) - Ken Goodge
3. Every Valley (Air) - Ken Goodge
4. Thus Saith The Lord (Accompagnato) - Paul Earnshaw
5. But Who May Abide (Air) - Rosemary Shepherd
6. Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive (Recitative) - Veronica Thwaites-Brown
7. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth (Accompagnato) - Rob Grice
8. The People That Walked In Darkness (Air) - Rob Grice
9. There Were Shepherds (Recitative) - Catherine Ryan
10. And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord (Accompagnato) - Amelia Hewitt
11. And the Angel Said Unto Them (Recitative) - Katya Taylor
12. And Suddenly There Was With The Angel (Accompagnato) - Luciana Harrison
13. Glory to God In The Highest (Chorus) - Christina Phillip, Jessica Kinsella, Rosemary Shepherd, Thuy Pham
14. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion (Air) - Evelyn Graham
15. Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened (Recitative) - Grace Fursdon
16. He Shall Feed His Flock (Duet) - Grace Fursdon & Christina Phillip
17. All We Like Sheep (Chorus) - All Singers


18. He Is Despised And Rejected Of Men (Air) - Veronica Thwaites-Brown
19. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Accompagnato) - Navin Edwin
20. Behold, And See (Arioso) - Navin Edwin
21. He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land (Recitative) - Ken Goodge
22. But Thou Didst Not Leave (Air) - Ken Goodge
23. How Beautiful Are The Feet (Air) - Evelyn Graham
24. The Kings Of The Earth (Air) - Neil MacDonald
25. He That Dwelleth In Heaven (Recitative) - Navin Edwin
26. Thou Shalt Break Them (Air) - Navin Edwin
27. Hallelujah (Chorus) - All Singers
28. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Air) - Thuy Pham
29. Worthy Is The Lamb (Chorus) - All Singers
30. Amen (Chorus) - All Singers
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